Monday, January 26, 2009

Trader Joes Fast and Easy Meals (Part 2): Frozen Chicken Fajitas

Saturday night, I whipped up another fast and easy Trader Joes meal. Each bag contains frozen peppers and onions, as well as some sliced chicken breast. Each bag is only 2.5 points. (2.5 servings, each serving has 90 cals, 1 g. fat, 2 g. fiber(1 pt))

Add a couple of 2 pt. tortillas, some light sour cream and ff refried beans, and you have quite the dinner! I used two bags for me and Brian, but didn't use all the veggies. I put them in another freezer bag to use another time.
Not bad for about 10 minutes!


Anonymous said...

Hey there...this meal looks great. Was it tasty? Prepackaged stuff scares me sometimes...what if it is dry or not know what I mean.

Btw, I love the look of your blog. I have a wordpress blog but I don't have all the cool stuff you have. Did you make this all on your own?

{jen} iCandyhandmade said...

I didn't find it dry at all, it is just frozen veggies and chicken with a seasoning packet.

As for the design of the blog, I used Paperback Designs, you can follow the link at the very bottom of the blog. She was super cheap and did an amazing job. Check out her site.

Anonymous said...

Is the whole bag 2.5 points or just 1 serving?

{jen} iCandyhandmade said...

The whole bag is 2.5 points. Each bag contains 2.5 servings, and each serving is 1 pt.

Unknown said...

I'm all about fast and easy! I've had this before an love it!